Managing Burn Victims Through First Aid: Lowering the Temperature

Knowing how to manage burn victims is an essential skill that every resident should have especially for those who are living in areas where a Boil Water Advisory is periodically announced during environmental disasters and other unprecedented cases of water contamination. This is because boiling water put residents at risk for developing burns that are caused by hot water spillage and other types of accidents. Hence, first aid classes especially Fort McMurray first aid training programs, are important since the Boil Water Advisory has already been announced in the area several times before. Here are some of the types of first aid treatment that are given to burn patients or victims which are geared towards lowering the body’s temperature.

Use cold water

Cooling a Burn with Cold Clean Water
Cooling a Burn with Cold Clean Water

One of the most effective ways to lower the temperature of a burnt area is to splash the area with cold water. Ideally, the temperature of the cold water that is going to be used on burnt areas should be between 8-20 degrees Celsius. It is highly recommended to continue this treatment for about three hours after the injury has been incurred. During a Boil Water Advisory, residents and rescuers should not use water from faucets and other sources that are directly linked to their pipelines. Instead, they are advised to use cold bottled water. Using water with ice is not advisable as well since the extreme coldness can cause the blood vessels to constrict which can lessen the blood supply in the affected area.

Use cooling gels or pads

Using cooling gels or pads is one of the safest ways to lower the temperature of the affected area since residents will not need to rely on direct water sources which may be contaminated. However, extra care should be given to making sure that these pads are well-disinfected before usage since it will be directly applied to broken or scalded skin. The amount of time that it is applied should also be carefully monitored to ensure that it is not used on the area for more than 20 minutes.

By taking Fort McMurray first aid classes, residents will learn other techniques on how to manage burns by lowering the temperature of the affected area and the body of the patient. This can help them safely follow Boil Water Advisory without having to worry about suffering from burns and other accidents which may occur by boiling water or by accidentally leaning on hot surfaces.

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