Managing Physical Injuries after Flooding

Aside from the medical conditions that be caused by an environment that has just been flooded such as Dengue and mold-related health problems, living in areas that has just been flooded can also increase the risk of acquiring physical injuries which can become life-threatening if left untreated. This is why it is important to take Fort McMurray first aid classes since residents in the area have experienced one of the worst cases of flooding in years back in 2013. Here are some of the conditions which can cause physical injuries after flooding and why first aid knowledge is important when it comes to managing them.

Dirty flood water and mud

One of the things that flood victims struggle with after a flood is mud problems. Dirty flood water can turn into mud and cover the floorings of residential and business establishments which can make them very slippery. Because of the fact that seniors usually have balance and gait problems, slipping can be a norm in nursing homes and homes with senior citizens. It can also be a problem for those who have pre-existing medical conditions which increases their likelihood of slipping. By having first aid knowledge, rescuers can immediately apply splints and asses for any broken bones once these accidents occur.


Physical Injuries Caused by Flooding
Physical Injuries Caused by Flooding

Flooding is a major problem for residents who own houses that are made of wood since the flood water can weaken their flooring which can lead to the formation of holes. Flooding can also loosen manhole covers. Falling through any of these types of holes can cause internal hemorrhage or bleeding due to the trauma that it can cause. These types of accidents can also cause gaping wounds which can easily get infected during post-flood conditions. Having first aid knowledge can help local residents apply a clean dressing over these open wounds to prevent infection. Fort McMurray first aid rescuers are also taught how to asses internal bleeding due to physical trauma caused by falls and other accidents so that proper management can be applied.

Broken glass and other remnants

Sharp remnants such as glass shards and pieces of wood or pipes can also injure residents who are trying to clean their houses after a flood. This is why wearing boots and other protective gears is highly advised. However, in cases wherein interacting with these hazardous remnants are unavoidable, having knowledge in first aid can come in handy. Through first aid, physical injuries can be immediately treated and infections can be easily prevented.

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