Taking Fort McMurray First Aid Classes for Flooding

One of the most common misconceptions about first aid is that this type of knowledge is only useful in medical emergencies that are caused by internal factors such as hormonal disorders. However, the truth is that it is also useful during environmental emergencies such as earthquakes and flooding. Hence, taking first aid classes is important especially for cities and urban service areas that have already experienced environmental catastrophes before since there is a high chance that these disasters will happen again such as Fort McMurray.

Injuries Due to Flood Debris
Injuries Due to Flood Debris

Should residents take Fort McMurray first aid classes?

Even though Fort McMurray is one of the areas in Canada that has the highest GDP and the lowest unemployment rate, it is not immune to environmental disasters that can cripple healthcare facilities and put the lives of thousands of residents in danger. In 2013 alone, the city experienced severe flooding due to consecutive days of heavy rainfall which led to a State of Emergency declaration by the area’s government officials. According to many news outlets such as the National Post, thousands of residents were affected by this catastrophe in which more than 270 houses were put on high evacuation alert. Many business establishments, including healthcare facilities also had to shut down because of power outages and road blocks.

What are the problems that can be avoided through first aid classes?

Having first aid knowledge can help residents avoid casualties that are caused by accidents and medical problems that stem from flooding and other natural disasters. Flooding can cause physical accidents especially to senior citizens and residents who have balance and gait issues since walking on flooded streets or houses is very difficult for these residents. Flooding can also cause broken glass and other hazardous materials to enter homes and establishment that have unsuspecting occupants. Flood water is also known to harbor many microorganisms that can cause life-threatening infections and medical conditions.

What are the relevant skills that can be learned through Fort McMurray first aid classes?

Through first aid classes, residents can learn how to treat wounds and other physical injuries that can be caused by the hazardous materials that are swept away by flood water. Fort McMurray first aid students will also learn about the most common diseases that are contracted during the flooding season and how they can be avoided and managed. Knowing first aid can also lower the number of casualties that are caused by floods since local residents will know how to save the lives of other residents even if hospitals and other healthcare facilities are inaccessible.

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